To find cool music logos online, you have several options but the best places to start with are as follows:
When designing a music company logo, you need to pay attention to the three main elements of a logo:
Having said that you don't have to follow these logo design elements if you don’t want to. You can also create your own music logo using simple text or alphabet letters of your name.
High quality entertainment logo vectors are useful for not only branding digital materials like social media visuals, email signatures, website design etc. but also for print materials such as business cards, brochures, and stationeries. You can easily get high-res entertainment logo vectors right here on’s logo maker by paying a nominal fee for premium files. When you click to download you will be given free option as well as high resolution entertainment logo PNG, PDF and JPEG. Alternatively, you can hire a graphic designer to design your entertainment brand logo who will definitely provide you high quality design files whether you require one for your karaoke logo design, record company label, musical instrument supply store or even concert logo designs.
Musicians are particular about their creative endeavors, and their singing logo design is no exception. However, instead of going out of the way to show your creativity, some form of graphic design aesthetics and industry norms need be followed. For your singer’s logo design, symbols of music note, microphone icons or silhouette of a person singing are some of the most preferred coupled with heart icons, sound waves and star symbols make perfect singer’s logo concepts. Alternatively, you can opt for simple wordmark logos of your name only which will do just fine as a personal brand identity.
Designing music icons that are trendy and at par with the current music industry requires finesse in design techniques as well as aesthetics. Some of the most trendy music icon designs include gradient style that is similar to the Instagram logo. However, flat and 3D logos are also pretty popular with bright popping colors of purple, red and orange hues. Line art with neon colors are also gradually catching on the pop music crowd. And if you are designing logo concepts for a record company then try black and gold.