Graphic Design Insights

Politics & Graphic Design: What Do Biden and Trump Campaigns Tell Us

Graphic design has been an important political tool to communicate politicalideologies, extol philosophies, and attempt to win elections Remember, Obama’sHope campaign poster that perfectly encapsulated everything... Read More

25 Free and Paid Virtual Summer Camps to Learn Art and Graphic Design during COVID-19

Summer camps have always been one of the biggest attractions of the holidays. Not only for kids but for the parents, too. While they provide kids with a chance to indulge in some fun activities with their peers, make new friends... Read More

Top Graphic Designs for #BlackLivesMatter & George Floyd Protests

As designers, we’ve always known the power of visuals. An illustration drawn with the right icon, the deliberate use of colors, impactful typefaces…they all help tell a story. The same is even truer for pictures taken from real life... Read More

Coronavirus Lockdown: 26 Graphic Design Resources to Engage Kids

Whether you’re a parent who’s been asked to work from home amid Covid-19 pandemic or a parent that has always been at home, the presence of kids 24/7 around you can not only disrupt your routine but may also make it difficult... Read More

Logos and the Use in the Business World

If you are driving down the street, you see it. If you watch television, you see it. If you are online or reading any written publication, you see it. What is it you see? A logo!So, what exactly is a logo? According to a logo can be described... Read More

Design and Illustration: The Young Artist's Glossary

Whether you want to learn how to draw or paint, you love photography, or you are interested in creating unique and functional designs like company logos, you'll need to understand art terms. Knowing what different artistic words mean will help you communicate.... Read More

Book Design Resources

The world of indie publishing has exploded in the past ten years, giving anyone with a story to tell the opportunity to share it with the world. Self-publishing has a number of advantages for authors, the main one being that you maintain full control of your book.... Read More

From Bernie to Trump: A Fresh Take on the 2020 Presidential...

No nation does politics quite like the United States. Come fall in an election year, candidate scandals, political strategies and expert panelists' endless speculation fill the airwaves and trump (pun intended) even college football as America's favorite spectator sport.... Read More

How Learning Graphic Design May Help Kids with Dyslexia

In today's world, dyslexia is seen as a growing problem without a direct solution. A specific learning difficulty, it can greatly impact the ability of a child to learn effectively, as it affects such skills as reading and writing. It is also increasingly common. The National Health Service for instance... Read More

How to Fight ADHD When You're a Graphic Designer

Learning to live with ADHD is tough as it is. As a graphic designer with ADHD you want to be able to at least work and succeed in completing projects on time. What to do when you are constantly distracted? Don’t worry, we have just the solution for you. Here are practical tips that will help you... Read More

How Visual Designs Stimulate Cognition and Positive Emotions Among Children with Autism

Extensive research on autism has been done in the past, more is being conducted even as this is written, and untold numbers of studies and papers will be released in the future as we seek to understand ever more about this complicated condition... Read More